Культура и время перемен
Электронный научный журнал

Филологические науки
Linguocultural concept «dance» in the scientific and linguistic worldviews
Mitriev I.M. 1

1. Kalmyk state university n.a. B.B. Gorodovikov


In the context of this article, the linguistic term «dance» of the scientific picture of the world is considered. The term under study in the article is shown by the author in its connection not only with natural phenomena, but more with a conceptual concept, based on the modern realities of the language. The concept of «dance» is shown and considered in the aspect of world science and in the aspect of linguoculturology. The article also discusses the differences between the terms «dance» and «folk dance», shows their close relationship.

Keywords: linguoculture, Concept, dance, linguistic worldview, scientific worldview

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